Abstract Button

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 14, 2025 – 23:59 (11:59 PM)

Full Abstract Submission

Note: When you enter the abstract submission page, you need to follow the steps below after creating a new registration.

Step 1: Presentation preference: presentation in a poster session or a paper session.

Step 2: Institution information must be indicated.

Step 3: Author information is indicated according to the institution.

Step 4: Submit author information, including cell and work telephone numbers. Please avoid any attachments.

Step 5: The title of the abstract should be entered.

Step 6: The abstract, limited to 450 words.

Step 7: Keyword must be indicated.

Step 8: Final checks should be performed.

Step 9: To submit your abstract to the scientific committee, you must click on the button.

General Rules

Papers are presented as abstracts.

Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission system.

Proceedings should be submitted in English.

Abstract Preparation Instructions

Arial should be used as the default font.
The text should be written as 11 type size and 1 spacing.
The title of the paper should be written in the type size of 12 and the first letters should be written in capital letters and the rest should be written in small letters.
Institution name(s) should be indicated in the type size of 10, aligned to the left, and the Institution information should be fully written with 1 spacing.
After the title, 1.5 spacing should be provided and the speaker's name information should be included.It should be written in 11 font size with the first name followed by the surname.
Names and surnames should be written as “First Letter Capital”.
The following items must be covered in the abstract:

  • Introduction: describe research background, the working definition and/or hypothesis.
  • Methods: applied methods, including the number of patients.
  • Results: please present a summary of the most important results based on sufficient quantitative and statistical data.
  • Conclusion: please present a conclusion based on the results.
Case reports:
  • Introduction
  • Case Report
  • Conclusion
References; Arial, 8 points, 1.0 spacing.

Submission of Full Abstracts

abstracts will be submitted via the online system. For technical support and questions, you can contact "LookUs Bilişim" at (216) 372 66 44 or e-mail at [email protected].

Information on Presentations

Oral Presentations: Total 10-minutes 7 minutes presentation and 3 minutes discussion to be made at the specified times and halls.

Please take the following instructions into consideration regarding preparation of the presentation:

Your slides should not include more than 7 lines,
The number of words in each line should not exceed 6,
The slides should be prepared horizontally,
Tables with very large content should not be included in the slides,
The number of slides should be adjusted as the half of the speaking time,
Please note that your presentations should be prepared electronically and submitted to the presentation control room 3 hours before the presentation.

E-Poster Presentations: Total 7-minutes 5 minutes presentation and 2 minutes discussion to be made at the specified times and halls.

All posters can be viewed at any time on the screens located in the E-poster area of the congress center.

In order for the abstracts of your posters to be presented during the congress, you should send an e-mail to [email protected] / [email protected] as a powerpoint single page vertical 16:9 format.